About pages

Web pages that share a company's story, mission, and values, helping build a connection with users and provide context for its offerings.

What Are About Pages?

About pages are dedicated sections of a website that provide visitors with background information about the business, organization, or individual behind the site. The purpose of an about page is to introduce the people, mission, values, and story of the brand in a way that connects with potential customers or clients. It serves as a personal and professional introduction, giving users insights into the personality, goals, and expertise of the company.

About pages can vary in length and detail, depending on the nature of the business, but they typically include elements like the company’s history, team members, core values, and a description of the services or products offered. This page plays a crucial role in establishing credibility, trust, and rapport with the audience, making it one of the most important pages on a website.

Key Elements of an About Page

  1. Mission and Vision: Statements that define what the company stands for and its goals.
  2. Company Story: A narrative about how the company started, its evolution, and what inspired its creation.
  3. Team Introduction: Information about key members of the team, their roles, and sometimes their personal interests or backgrounds.
  4. Core Values: A breakdown of the principles that guide the company’s operations and interactions with customers.
  5. Call-to-Action (CTA): A prompt encouraging users to take the next step, whether that’s getting in touch, learning more about services, or reading more content.

What Makes a Good About Page?

A good about page goes beyond simply listing facts about the company. It tells a compelling story, builds trust, and invites visitors to form a connection with the brand. The goal is to engage the reader by offering both personal and professional insights that highlight what makes the company unique.

1. Tells a Compelling Story

An effective about page uses storytelling to engage visitors. Rather than presenting a dry list of facts, it narrates the history, mission, and purpose of the business in an interesting way. A good story draws readers in and humanizes the brand, showing how it started and the passion behind its creation.

For instance, detailing challenges the business overcame, significant milestones, or the inspiration behind founding the company makes the story more relatable and memorable. This narrative helps to create an emotional connection with visitors, which can foster brand loyalty.

2. Highlights Core Values and Mission

Visitors want to know what your company stands for. A strong about page clearly communicates the core values and mission that drive your business. It should provide insight into the principles that guide how you operate, what matters most to you, and how these values benefit your customers or clients.

For example, if your company prioritizes sustainability, customer service, or innovation, make these values central to your messaging. By showing what makes your business different and highlighting your commitment to meaningful causes, you can create a deeper connection with your audience.

3. Includes a Personal Touch

A great about page often includes a personal element that humanizes the brand. This could be a personal note from the founder or CEO, or a description of the team’s unique journey. Including photos of the team, founder, or leadership also adds a face to the brand, making it feel more approachable and trustworthy.

Sharing small details about team members, such as their interests or personalities, can help create a sense of familiarity. This personal touch makes visitors feel like they are getting to know the people behind the company, fostering a sense of connection and trust.

4. Clear and Easy to Understand

A good about page is straightforward and easy to read, avoiding jargon or overly technical language. While it’s important to convey expertise, the primary goal is to make the information accessible and engaging to a wide audience.

Breaking up text with headings, bullet points, or quotes makes the content easier to digest. Additionally, using conversational language helps create a friendly and inviting tone that resonates with visitors.

5. Builds Credibility and Trust

Establishing credibility is a key function of an about page. A strong about page demonstrates your expertise, experience, and why customers should trust your business. Including testimonials, industry awards, media mentions, or key achievements can reinforce your credibility and prove that you have the knowledge and experience to deliver on your promises.

If applicable, share specific numbers or data points, such as years in business, number of satisfied clients, or major projects completed. This kind of factual backing helps build trust with potential customers who may be on the fence about choosing your business.

6. Visually Engaging

An engaging about page often includes visual elements that enhance the narrative and break up the text. Photos of the team, behind-the-scenes images, or even a timeline graphic that shows the evolution of the company can make the page more dynamic.

Visuals also create a more personal connection, as visitors can see the faces behind the business and get a sense of the company’s culture. Additionally, using high-quality images or creative design elements can enhance the page's overall appeal.

7. Includes a Call-to-Action (CTA)

While the main purpose of the about page is to inform visitors, it should also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages them to take the next step. Whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, exploring your services, or reaching out for more information, the CTA should guide visitors toward further engagement with your business.

The CTA should be placed strategically at the end of the page or in other prominent locations, making it easy for users to move forward once they’ve learned about your company.

8. Aligned With Branding

A great about page is consistent with the overall branding of the company. The tone, style, and messaging should reflect the business’s identity, whether that’s formal and professional, casual and friendly, or innovative and cutting-edge. Aligning the page with your brand’s voice ensures a cohesive experience for users throughout your website.

9. SEO Optimization

For your about page to attract visitors, it should be optimized for search engines. Including relevant keywords in the text, headings, and meta descriptions can improve the page’s visibility in search engine results. Also, using proper internal links to other important pages, such as service or product pages, can help improve the site’s SEO overall.

10. Mobile-Friendly Design

With more users browsing websites on mobile devices, it’s essential for your about page to be mobile-responsive. This means the page should load quickly and display properly on smaller screens, with easy-to-tap buttons and readable text. A mobile-friendly design ensures that visitors can enjoy the same engaging experience no matter what device they are using.


An about page is one of the most significant sections of a website, serving as a key opportunity to tell your story, share your values, and build trust with potential customers. A good about page uses storytelling, visuals, and personal touches to engage readers, while also providing clear information about the company’s mission, history, and team. By focusing on clarity, credibility, and a compelling narrative, businesses can create an about page that not only informs but also drives deeper connections and encourages action.