Auto Updating Copyright Year In Footer

Use this code to automatically update the year displayed on your site.

Copy Code

<div class="your-text-style-class-here">&copy; Your Name or Business Name Here <script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script>. All Rights Reserved.</div>

<div class="your-text-style-class-here">© Your Name or Business Name Here <script>document.write(newDate().getFullYear())</script>. All Rights Reserved.</div>

This one's pretty simple.

Just copy this code here, and paste it into an HTML embed in Webflow. Make any adjustments to the text by adding your name and changing the "All Rights Reserved" to whatever you want.

The most common use case for this is to automatically update the year in your footer's copyright message, but you can use the "<script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script>" portion anywhere on your website should you need the current year displayed.

A portrait of Dalton Craighead, a Web Designer and Web Developer.
Dalton Craighead
Web Design & Development
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